Thursday, June 24, 2010


So, I have been posting a lot on Facebook about this silly journey to making a baby. Maybe a little bit too much. It seems that some people are tired of reading it, or don't understand why i am so excited to have an egg, or say that I am jinxing myself by buying things for a baby.

This whole thing is really hard...and if buying gender neutral baby items is what gets me through it, I don't see the harm. I guess others do. Worst case is if for some reason I can not conceive then I will have a lot of baby shower gifts!

So, all of this is slight discouraging to me. If you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing. Be sensitive, don't make snide remarks about how you are putting the cart before the horse and who cares if you have an egg, you aren't pregnant. I know that I am not pregnant, I am not stupid! But the fact is that I never made an egg on my own so to take the medicine to make an egg and see it work is encouraging....even if I don't end up pregnant this month, at least I know that while I am broken when it comes to making a baby, a medicine can help fix it....I went on on Wednesday anxious to see whether the medicine had worked at all. There was a good chance that the dose was not strong enough, since we started on the lowest dose, or that it was not the medicine for me. But it did work and that is pretty damn exciting to me...maybe not to everyone else, but to me it is!

So, if you are reading this hopefully you are not a negative nellie! I know it is hard for people to understand infertility who have not been trhough it, but it is really hard on a person physically and emotionally and often times financially, although luckily it has all been covered by insurance...we have spent maybe $125 on co pays so far, which is peanuts to what some people pay, so I feel blessed and lucky.

So this is my blog, its about life, about infertility and who knows what else. My dealings with my hsuband maybe tehe...sometimes when we fight I want to vent but have to watch what I put on facebook because I am friends with some of his friends....

So, check back often and see what I have written!


Clickin Mama J

When I was waiting for my son I bought tons of children's books and recieving blankets. I figured regardless of gender they would need books and blankets. :-) Do what you need to do and don't let anyone rain on your parade.

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