Saturday, July 31, 2010


So I went yesterday and had my band unfilled some. It seems that for the last 2 months I was too tight and that was what was making me throw up. We took out .4...and man did it make a huge difference....I think I may enjoy it for a week and then go in for a .1 fill...somewhere between where I am now and where I was .4 ago is where I want to be. I feel like I can eat a bit too much right now....but we will see. I want to be healthy, up my protein intake and see where it gets me.

The doctors office called on Friday and said my progesterone level was fine, they did not tell me what it was though, despite asking that morning to have the number left. I am going to call on Monday and tell them that disappointed me, that i want specifics when it comes to my care....not general it's fineness...

I went out last night with some people I am getting more and more friendly with, Jim and Jen and had a blast. It was nice to be social and meet new people and be able to enjoy my food, and the music that was playing on the patio....only thing that may have made it a TAD bit better was being able to enjoy a glass of wine or a martini...but no can do until we find out if we are pregnant.

I am having mixed feelings about if this could be the month...I am scared to death that it did not work this month and I dont want to do this stuff again. It made me feel so shitty...I am hoping with everything I have that we are pregnant this month. I POAS this morning and of course it was negative, but it was only like 7 days out and I know that is usually too early...but a small part of me was really hoping someone would realize how much I want this and show me a positive....come on Friday for a positive blood result!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

2 weeks never felt so long...

This 2 week wait is the worst. It takes every ounce of restraint I have not to pee on a stick every single day. But I know it is still too early. Tomorrow is my progesterone test...I am hoping for something greater than 13...we will see.

My band has been giving me trouble lately...I am throwing up multiple times a day and I am tired of it. I am tired of not being able to say no to food, foods that I know will make me throw up or clog my band. I am addicted to food and it is high time I admit this.

So, in the morning I am going for an unfill and am making an appointment with the nutritionist and a psychologist to try to get back on the path to healthy, happy banding!

Friday, July 23, 2010


So today was my IUI....24 afters trigger...I had 3 eggs as of yesterday, 16, 17 and 18.

Todays washed sperm count was 6.8 mill...which was sort of disappointing...I had hoped for it to be over 10mil..but oh well.

37 hours after trigger the hubs and I did BD....hoping one of those will find my egg!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Today I went for an ultrasound and all 3 of my eggs are mature now. I got my Ovi.drel shot at 8:00 ish and have to have my IUI at around the same tomorrow....I am a little concerned about the short timing of it but have done a bit of research. Tim and I will BD tomorrow night between -10pm too, to improve chances....

My eggs today were 16,17,18. Here is to really hoping this cycle works.

Speaking of, this cycle has really just kicked my ass...there is no nice way to say it...I have been in a lot of pain physcially and could not stop crying today at all....

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Boy have I slacked...

This cycle has been very different, in a good and bad way. It has been causing a LOT of pain..they say it is my ovary stretching and the follicles growing, but it hurts a lot.

I went in on Monday, which was day 12 of my cycle and had 2 follicles size 10 and 13...

I went in today, Wednesday and had 3 sized 14,16,17! Woot!

My E2 on Monday was 178 and today it was 452! that is great! I am really excited.

Things are looking better this cycle...I have to go in tomorrow and be rechecked and see the egg sizes again....and they want to trigger tomorrow and IUI like 24 hours later....crossing fingers!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Starting again!

So I started my 100 mg clo.mid last night. I took it before bed, as all my reading said that I would be able to sleep through any and all side effects. I took it and slept like a baby! I have a good feeling about this cycle...I did not have a good feeling about last month!

Today I am going to Rhode Island to my cousin Kelly's graduation party. I can not wait to see all my family! Tim is staying home because he picked up a work project and we sure can use the money....and him and Kevin are also going to install our windows! Woot!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Big Fat Negative

Yes, I took 3 tests, and most were way too early to tell. I was going to test Friday, today, which was 11 dpo...but I did not need to. Nope, because my period came yesterday.

I was sad, and wanted to cry. I shared it with my husband and got the typical next month response. I would kill for just a little emotion and understanding sometimes.

Anyway, part of me was glad, that if it wasnt that my cycle was still going to be the same. I had no idea what the hormones would do to it, and if it would be my regular cycle of I had read about woemn having like 50 day cycles...

Mine was due the 9th, and came the 8th. Perfecto.

I went in to see Dr. L this morning and had my baseline ultrasound and blood work. It was the most painful ultrasound I have ever had....the lady could not find my right ovary and she was pushing and pulling and popping, it was not fun.

Everything looks great and I am starting Clo.mid 100 tomorow, rather than the 50. I didnt over respond to the 50 so they think the 100 would be a bit better. I am taking is days 3-7, so I strat tomorrow. I hope that this higher dose produces more eggs this time and I hope that hubby and I can refrain from sex longer than 33 hours and have a higher sperm count and that all of these things together make us a baby, or two!

Saturday, July 3, 2010


So I had my p4 level done on is supposed to be 7 DPO, but because Monday is a holiday I had it done was 7.8...which is a td low but it may have been 10 by MOnday which is where I would have liked it...

I am still not having a great feeling about getting a positive this month but time will tell.

I POAS today, even though I knew it was far too early...I will test Tuesday and Friday and if my period doesnt come I will have the blood test on Monday the 12th

We will see