Friday, July 9, 2010

Big Fat Negative

Yes, I took 3 tests, and most were way too early to tell. I was going to test Friday, today, which was 11 dpo...but I did not need to. Nope, because my period came yesterday.

I was sad, and wanted to cry. I shared it with my husband and got the typical next month response. I would kill for just a little emotion and understanding sometimes.

Anyway, part of me was glad, that if it wasnt that my cycle was still going to be the same. I had no idea what the hormones would do to it, and if it would be my regular cycle of I had read about woemn having like 50 day cycles...

Mine was due the 9th, and came the 8th. Perfecto.

I went in to see Dr. L this morning and had my baseline ultrasound and blood work. It was the most painful ultrasound I have ever had....the lady could not find my right ovary and she was pushing and pulling and popping, it was not fun.

Everything looks great and I am starting Clo.mid 100 tomorow, rather than the 50. I didnt over respond to the 50 so they think the 100 would be a bit better. I am taking is days 3-7, so I strat tomorrow. I hope that this higher dose produces more eggs this time and I hope that hubby and I can refrain from sex longer than 33 hours and have a higher sperm count and that all of these things together make us a baby, or two!


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