Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blah Blah Blah

So, I am not in love with my blog design...every time I look at it I feel like I am 4...but I had to change it because the other one went down...I still need to find something I like....just throwing that out there.

Vacation was good. The weather was was not overly relaxing for me. It is a beach house and it is RIGHT on the water and it is breathtaking....but there is no room service, or maid service or any of that...I still have to cook, and clean and take care of the dog. So it is a vacation, but it is not like a hotel type of vacation.

And this year we had guests almost everyday, so on top of that I then had to entertain. I mean, it is not hard to sit on the deck and sit around and talk, but I had to serve food to was hectic. But we do love it. It is our spot. We got engaged there, and celebrated our one year anniversary there.

On that, I feel sort of bad, or jipped that we did not make a huge deal of our anniversary. We exchanged cards and the hubs got me a gift card for a book store, which was nice, but it was no rock my world, all out romantic day. I mean, we aren't really that kind of people, but it still made me feel, blah.

I shopped while up there and bought a pair of maternity them. I bought a few tops from Target as well. I hit 12 weeks today, and I am excited but I haven't seen or heard my babies in 4 weeks, it is the longest I have gone and I can't tell you how anxious I am to hear some heartbeats..I have a fear of something happening to one or both of them. I need to hear them. I go in on Tuesday, which seems like a lifetime away...

Still unemployed...I had my phone hearing and it was approved but I was told, as I am sure they have to tell everyone, that the company can still appeal it, which makes me sad and now I will have to worry for the next month about if they are going to. I hate stress, but I have so much of it!

Oh, I did not take many pictures on vacation, because we have so many pictures from the years past, but here are a few of my Moxie girl! She had a blast for a whole day digging this huge hole on the beach.



Yay for the beach and just being away from a home for a while! I understand rental houses - its awesome being at the beach, but still sucks having to take care of a home while there. Tuesday will be here before you know it - take care of yourself :)


I need your email, I don't know how to respond back to you other than leaving a comment :) Thanks for your comment on my post today. You did tell me about pushing the lawn mower. I understand being sad you missed out on a part of pregnancy, still its probably awesome not to feel sick all the time! :-D I'm probably the MOST impatient person and with our first IUI it just killed me. I can't stand waiting and yes, I'm already stressing about going into IUI#2! I need to take a note from your book and chill out - it got you twins ;)

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