Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Time sure has flown and I know I have neglected my blog something terrible. I figure most of you who want to keep up with my life are now following me on facebook, where I post several times a day and flood it with pictures of my little men..but I still want to post on here to remember things.

The boys are a few days shy of 5 months old...we have a great schedule going and it has gotten much easier. The first 3.5 months were, really rough..lack of sleep, no schedule and just trying to get a shower each day was a challenge. My guys were in a row would nap at a time and they would take turns, I always had a baby awake and never got anything done.

When they hit 4 months, I said no more..we need a schedule and I worked hard and now we are on an awesome one.

They wake around 7am (yes, I would prefer later but it is what it is)
Have a bottle around 8ish
Nap about 2 hours later so around 9am, for one hour.
Wake at 10:00 - get up, change diapers, play for a few
My husband and I feed the boys "breakfast" at around 10:30 - cereal and a fruit or veggie
We play until 12:00, have bottles and they go down for a 2 hour nap
They wake and then we have our hard core play time, pull out all the toys and just stimulate!
Bottles sometime between 3 and 3:30
They take a short 45 minute cat nap around 4-4:15..
Are awake by 5:15...we get up, both boys get a bath, watch a little TV while the other gets his, and get all lotioned up and jammified...
We do bedtime bottles around 6:30...bed at 7pm....

Soon, we will be adding another solids feeding, probably after their cat nap and pushing bedtime bottles back a little bit..

But this schedule works well, and we all know what to expect.

The boys are doing their 4 month check up Luke weighed 15.5 pounds and was 23 3/4 inches the 60th percentile! Such a HUGE gain from his 2 month check up where he weighed around 9 pounds ( I would have to go back and look) and was in the 2nd percentile.

Blake weighed 13.5 pounds and was 24 inches long...he is so much lighter than his brother! 2 pounds between them! He was in the 20th percentile.

I had to go out and buy some 9 month summer clothes to get through the rest of the summer!

We started solids about 7-10 days after they turned 4 months...we are doing one new thing every 3-4 days, so far they have had banana, peas and prunes...going to do a orange veggie next...they are doing well now but at first they didn't quite get it.

Sleep is going REALLY well...for a few weeks now Blake sleeps 9-11 hours at night eats and goes back to bed and the last 3 days Luke has only woken once as well, but closer to the 6 hour mark...I know the full night is close, and it is encouraging that they are doing so well. My husband still does any feedings that happen before 4 am and I go from 4 am on...usually Luke needs to bed fed by him and Blake by me.

The boys are giggling and smiling up a storm. Every where we take them people comment on how happy and non-crying they are, it makes me feel good. OUr boys are very good natured and really only cry when hungry or tired.

Their reflux is still in full force, they are on prevacid solutabs twice a day....

The boys are in size 2 diapers, size 3-6 and 6-9 month clothes...we broke out the excersaucer and jumperoo this month and they love love their playmat still. My little Luke makes the happiest of squeals all day long..he loves to look at his mobile and talk to them...Blake loves sleep and goes to bed a lot easier than Luke...I usually go in twice before Luke will fall asleep.

These boys are full of love, and loved beyond belief...I hope I can convey to them how much love I have for them...I sure try with all the kisses and smoothering I give them!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


This is stolen from someone else's blog that I read, but boy does it sum up my life perfectly right now...

I have never been so exhausted and overwhelmed. I have never felt so underprepared and incompetent. And yet I have never been so happy. The kind of happy that is full and deep and peaceful. I am at peace.

Life with the boys is crazy..I doubt myself at least 15 times a day, wonder how I could be given such miracles and feel like I am failing my whole family all at once...there are ups and downs, and good days and bad days, there are very bad days when I count the minutes until my husband comes home from work, starting when he leaves out the door, there are really great days when I lay in bed with one or the other and nurse him and feel pure bliss.

It is a rollercoaster but one I am so excited and thankful to be on..

Thursday, June 9, 2011


I forgot to post that Luke has 2 teeth coming in, they have broken the skin and they are slowly dropping. I discovered them at 10 1/2 weeks mistake about it, they are teeth! He has been pretty good about them but I can tell they bother him off and on...

Monday, June 6, 2011


Since I have written. I am just so busy, and I update Facebook all the time rather than blogging. And I think most people who read my blog, follow me there, so everyone knows what my beans are up to...but just so I remember I want to jot a few things down here.

On May 12th, the boys had their 2 months well baby visit. Blake weighed 9 pounds 8 ounces and was 22 1/4 inches long and Luke weighed 9 pounds 13 ounces and was 22 inches long. Huge growth! But still in the 2-3% on the charts...17th for height.

We discovered teeth coming in on Luke when he was 10 weeks 2 days old...yes, way too early, but they are there, a tiny piece of sharp white is now poking through...he tries to chew everything, but can't hold anything himself. His favorite thing to chew is his brother when they are laying on their mat.

They sleep okay...4 hour stretches at night, it would be nice if it were longer but I know that will come....they start solids at 4 months and all will be well I hope!

We went to see a pediatric gastro doctor to see about some reflux and both were diagnosed with now both babies are on prevacid and a different formula...

I am still nursing and pumping a lot. Both babies know how to nurse and will do it but they both are more used to the bottle and prefer that so either baby will take a whole meal from me yet...I hope one day to change that.

Our family got a new car, well van. We got a new Honda Odyssey due to lack of space for our family and love, love it.

The babies are pretty good babies, coming up on 3 months old now...they are overall pretty happy and healthy. We are blessed. They are smiling and will giggle if you work hard for it and they have the best little personalities...they are loved, for sure.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


find me on Facebook under Missy Stanton (michelle fleury). I will delete this in a few days!!! Follow me and my boys!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Quick update

I think most people who have an interest in my twins now follow me on facebook, where I update far more regularly with status updates and pictures. So I may not update here quite as frequently, but I do want to be able to jot down important facts here!

Yesterday I took the boys to the doctors. Blake weighed 6 pounds 10 ounces and Luke was 6 pounds 7 ounces. Both are now on the charts, Blake is in between 2-3 % and Luke is 2%...

We went to the doctors because it seemed like the boys were having a lot of pain/gas and were uncomfy and kicking their little legs and grunting and moaning and just not comfortable.

The doctor assured me they were fine and said that babies cry and kick because really that is all they know how to do. She took us off the 22 calorie preemie formula and we are on enfamil gentlese now to try...the babies are getting about 60% breastmilk and 40% formula...the numbers change now that they are eating a bit more...

We are still working on nursing...if I can get one or both to nurse then my milk supply will come back's frustrating because I want them on all breastmilk, but even on my beszt day, I can't pump enough. Today Blake nursed twice, once for 25 mins and once for 20 mins...and only needed 1 ounce of breastmilk in the I was really happy...we are going to keep working on it but I really hope now that they are growing it will get easier...Blake still gets tired from nursing, and it isn't as smooth and easy yet as it should be...but I am hopeful.

I think that is it for now. I am tired..and emotional...and often find myself doubting my abiolity to do all that needs doing and to be a good mom. It's a struggle sometimes, but my boys are so amazing, I wouldn't change it for the world. Sleep will come, and laundry will wait. it's hard for me to comprehend that, but my babies come first. We have been doing a lot of snuggling and it's amazing...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Birth Story part 2-

So we get to this nice labor and delivery room and we do a lot of waiting to see what time the c-section will be...we know it won't be too long, but the waiting was nerve wracking. A lot of people kept coming in to talk to us...anesthesia, the surgeon, a doctor from the NICU came as well and we had a long talk with him about what to expect for our boys, who were being born at 35 weeks 2 days. Due to their gestational age they were going to be required to do 18-24 hours in the NICU for observation. He described what we could expect as far as an IV in them and a board on their arm, he said he had never had a 35 weeker not need an IV..and some leads on them to monitor their hearts and breathing. We talked about if they needed an extensive stay in the NICU that they would transfer them to the hospital we were going to deliver at back home, that they do that often, which made me feel much better.

We made some phone calls, it was still a bit early but we called my mom and we called Tim's dad, who actually happened to be in Boston for a work conference and had stayed overnight the night before. They were so excited and planned to come to the hospital after the babies were born.

After a lot of waiting, the hubs put his scrubs on and they came and said it was time to go. They put me in a wheel chair and to the OR we went. They made my husband wait outside while they did prep and the epidural.

The room was not very big and it was packed with stuff,,,2 incubators and a lot of people. Each baby had a team of nurses and a doctor for them ready. I sat on the table and they did some stuff and then it was time for the epidural. This sucked. I can not lie. They had to stick me about 6-8 times and they could not get it where it needed to be. She kept saying push your back out, lean forward more and I was trying but by now I was so upset. Being stuck hurt so much, despite them trying to numb it. It was the worst part of the whole procedure and at the end I was just begging to be knocked out. The anesthesiologist pulled out this lil toothpick sword thing you might get in a drink and started poking me and asking do you feel this do you feel that and I could feel it all and I was really worried that they were going to start before I was numb. They kept adding more medicine and tilting the table to get it to go where they wanted it, but the epidural did not work as it should have. Finally I was numb though.

They brought in my husband and they started the surgery. I was in tears from the epidural debacle and my husband was given a stool to sit in, but the anesthesiologist was in the way he couldn't even get very close to me. He asked if he promised not to pass out if he could stand up and watch and they said no, but they lowered the drape so he could see more.

Then came the babies. I didn't feel much of anything. I heard you feel pressure and tugging but I didn't feel that at all. I felt nothing. They pulled out baby A out and he cried right away. They took him to the warmer and did their thing with them. Then came baby B, he didn't cry right away, which made me concerned, but a few minutes later I heard him as well.

They asked me 10 times if I was sure that I wanted my tubes tied and I did, and so they did that. The closing up took much longer than getting the babies out.

We were then brought back to the same room we started in. The babies got to come and spend about 2 hours there with us since they were so healthy, they were given that time with us before being taken to the NICU. It was amazing. I did skin to skin time with them both and tried nursing them but they were too tired for it. We held them and just stared at them. They were perfect.

With an epidural they usually give you morphine in it which curbs pain for about 18 hours...but since the epidural did not work how it should have the morphine did not work so they gave me a pain pump to help with the pain. The pain was a bit intense, but it seemed muffled by the joy of holding and meeting my little men.

After about 2 hours they took the babies to the NICU and the hubs and I were left alone....his dad came shortly after that and visited for a while. Tim took him up to the NICU to see the babies...I couldn't go anywhere until my legs started working! They were so heavy and numb and I couldn't move them from the epidural.....

After a while they were ready to move me to a different floor where I would recover. They took me on the stretcher and our first stop was the NICU to see the boys. It was really wonderful to have them take me right there and see them. Then we went to our room on the 10th floor. Tim's dad and now his stepmom stopped by again to see us.

After we settled in, they had me order dinner. Let's talk about the food. The food was amazing..out of this world. You had a menu, like in a restaurant, and you called anytime between 7 am and 7 pm and ordered food. And it was OUT OF THIS WORLD. It was not cafeteria food at all, but instead amazingly fresh and wonderful. Fresh fruit, wonderful turkey clubs...just amazing. I was in heaven.

After a while I asked the nurse if I could go up and see the babies again. She said she was too busy to take me, which made me sad and angry. My husband said he would take me and she said I had to walk around first. I got up and walked some and it hurt like hell. THe 3rd shift nurse came on and I again asked if I could go see my babies and she was wonderful and got us a wheelchair and my husband was allowed to wheel me up to spend time with our boys.

It was midnight by this time, and we were also waiting for Tim's brother to arrive from CT with our bags and stuff. He was super kind to drive 3 hours after putting his kids to bed to come to Boston with our stuff so we could have what we needed/wanted. He got there late, around 12:30. Tim went down to greet him and put our stuff in our room and then brought him back to the NICU to see/hold his nephews. He stayed for about 20 minutes only and then started the long drive back home.

We were told the boys could come down to our floor and the regular nursery as early as 5 am but it would depend on the order the doctor saw babies in. We went back down and tried to sleep, but I didn't have much luck with sleeping.

Oh, during this time I started soon as we got into our recovery room. Each room had a pump in it, which was nice. They hooked it up for me and I started pumping. I got very little and they actually had me put it on the long cotton swabs and the babies were given them to suck on...there was that little coming out. But I was determined to get them breastmilk, or the early stuff that is so wonderful for them.

Next to come...Sunday through Thursday.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


I know a few of you read this and I wanted to give a quick update on me and the boys.

I am tired as can be, but so in love with my little men. I am pumping around the clock and in the last few days as the boys eat more frequently, every 2 hours to 2.5 and they are eating more..about 3 ounces each at a feeding it's been a tad hard to keep up. Since they were 2 days old they have been almost 100% breastmilk babies, which makes me happy and proud, but it is NOT easy. They get one formula bottle in the night of the 22 calorie formula. I have been working with a lactation consultant and the boys are too little/weak to nurse for nutrition right now, although we practice daily and Blake is getting it...he nursed for 10 whole minutes tonight and I know he was getting milk and he was swallowing. It is my goal to have them be breastfed babies, or at least get breastmilk, but we will see. If anyone has any suggestions on how to boost your supply PLEASE let me know. I am doing Mothers Milk Tea and Fenegreek already.

The boys have been gaining weight wonderuflly. We came home on a Thursday and they weighed in at Lucas 4.9 and Blake 4.12...that Friday they were the same weight at the pedi office...then we went Tuesday for a weight check (thank you $40 co-pays this week...20 for each child times like 5 doctors visits) and they weighed Lucas at 4.13 and Blake at 4.15. Then this past Friday the 25th they were Lucas 5.2 and Blake 5.4. They wanted them back up to their birth weight by 2 weeks, which would have been this past Saturday and they did well getting there. The doctor says they are both very healthy, she loves how alert they are and she is pleased with their progress.

Other things going on...babies poop a lot. We go through probably 25 diapers a day between the 2....we do a load of baby laundry a day, my husband gets peed on a lot by them...but not me! Our dog is doing well, but it has been an adjustment, we have had many visitors to see them and I love sharing their wonderfulness,

I update Facebook so much more regularly. So if you are really intersted in pictures and updates...add me there! email me and I will tell you my full name to find me!

And now I am off to try and score an hour of sleep before it's time for the babies to eat again!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Birth Story - part 1

o on Friday morning Tim and I left for Boston. It was our last weekend away before the babies were going to be born and we were excited, We had a nice hotel on the water and we were going to the PAX convention ( a nerd thing!). We had another couple that we are great friends with that was meeting us there and they were bringing a electric scooter for me to use so I didn't do too much walking.

We stopped by my surgeons office on the way so that I could get my lapband unfilled some because it had come to be that time where nothing wanted to go down. So she took out 3.2 cc's of fluid from my band, leaving 2 in. It went fine. I was a tad worried because the pregnancy had made my port move, but she got access to it right away and it was just like every other fill I have ever had.

When we got out to the parking lot I noticed that my car had a flat tire :-(. I have a little pump thing in my car and we pumped it up and found the nearest gas station on the GPS and headed that way. It was less than a mile and there actually happened to be a tire shop right behind the gas station. So we got 2 new tires and were on our way to Boston. We of course got lost, and Boston traffic at 4 pm on a Friday is a JOKE. We found our hotel, checked in and hung out and waited for our friends to arrive in town. They were picking us up and going to their hotel, which was connected to the convention center.

Our friend picked us up without his wife because she was in the hospital with pneumonia...but she insisted that he go and have fun. He had brought along an electric scooter thing for me to use so that I could avoid doing too much can cause labor and my ankles were really swelling up. It was neat, except that it had a dead battery :-(.

So he checked in and we went and dropped stuff off and then I decided that I could walk around and we went to the convention center. It was a really neat nerdathon place. We walked for HOURS, which may have been a mistake but I felt pretty good. We caught a concert, played some games and just took it all in and planned what we wanted to do the next day. Tim and I headed back to our hotel around 1 am. By 1:30 I had gotten a foot rub from the hubs and rolled and went to bed.

At around 2:30 am I felt this warm, gushing of fluid and I thought I was peeing the bed. With more than 10 pounds of baby in there, it would have surprised me to make it the whole way without one peeing accident. So I jumped up and ran to the bathroom and sat and the water kept coming....I looked down on the bathroom floor and all I saw was blood. I was really freaked out and scared and yelled to my husband that something was wrong. Not to go into too much detail but our hotel room looked like a crime scene....the bed, and the trail to the bathroom and it just kept coming. I was freaking out and told him to start packing while I called the doctor but that we had to drive home to CT, which was a 3 hour drive.

I got the doctors answering service and a nurse called back because the doctor was in a c-section...she asked if it was water with a tint of pink and I had to inform her it was water, but with a whole lotta blood. The doctor then called back and said it was not safe for me to drive home, that I had to go to the local hospital because my placenta could be rupturing and be checked and that then if it was okay I could drive back home and come to the hospital here.

So we went to the hospital we were told. We checked in and all I Kept saying was we want to go back home. All I could think about was if the boys needed the NICU and had to stay for a while, I would be 3 hours away and that freaked me out. They checked me in and took me back to the triage area I guess it is called. They put me on the monitor and I was having contractions, although I couldn't really feel them. They checked me and I was 2 cm dialated...I saw a few doctors and I told every single one of them that I just wanted to go home. By now it had been a few hours and all I could think was that we could have been back home by now. THe doctors there spoke to my OB and the decision was made that it was not safe for me to get in the car and make the trip home. I was stuck there.

So instead of being happy I was going to meet my babies I was scared and upset and couldn't believe that this was really happening, 3 hours away from home, when I had such a clean bill of health from my OB. But it was happening.

They brought me upstairs to the labor and delivery room....the doctor who we had initially was going home at 8 so a different doctor would be performing my c-section. They gave me an ultrasound to see the babies positions for pulling them out and for some movement as baby B would NOT register on the monitor.

I had a great nurse who came on at 7 am and she was with me for the whole day - c-section included. She saved my day!

More another day!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Quick update

All is going pretty well. My babies are just so amazing to me. They had to spend 24 hours in the NICU but have been out since Sunday afternoon. They are doing well....Lucas is having some issues with feeding and getting in a decent amount and he has lost weight....we were supposed to go home tomorrow but they think they are keeping us an extra day/night to watch him. I will be discharged, but get to remain in my room as a non-patient. Fine by me, as long as I can stay close to my baby. I had this horrible fear that if they had to keep him we would have to go home and be 3 hours away.

My husband went back home Sunday night to work Monday and Tuesday so that he would have more days at home with us when we get home. The babies make me tired! I can not sleep. no matter what. They have given me 2 differnt types of sleeping pills and I would say that I have gotten no more than 3 hours of sleep each day/night. I am so tired that I see the world cross eyed, but my body will not let me sleep. Boy do I need some. Since I am here with the babies alone, meaning no husband, lf course I could leave them in the nursery all day but I don't want the time I feed, burp, change, swaddle and snuggle one baby, do the same for the next baby, gives me about 20 minutes before I have to start all over again!

Speaking of pumping, it is going amazingly well. I get a large quantity and the babies have been exclusivly on breast milk for the last 30 or so hours. It feels good to know that I can provide that for my little guys.

This post is sort of all of the place. This hospital is really nice, all of the nurses are amazing! The food is out of this world really! lol.

My c-section was absolutly horrible. Sorry for all of you who are having one soon. They couldn't get my epidural and it took many times and it was just very unpleasant. My incision is doing well, I had my tubes tied,

Here are a few pictures!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The babies are here!

More details to come but the babies arrived very unexpectedly on Saturday morning.

Blake Andrew was first at 10:54 am and weighed 5 pounds even
Lucas Daniel was second at 10:56 and weighed 5 pounds 3 ounces.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

We made it!

Today we are 35 weeks along with our fantastic little boys.

It was my personal goal to get here problem free and the goal has been reached, Boy does it feel good. Sure, I have my fair share, heck, probably even more than my fair share, of pregnancy aches and pains and complaints, but knock on wood this pregnancy has gone very, very smoothly, with no bedrest, no hospital visits or stays and no pre-term labor or anything.

Any baby born under 35 weeks at our hospital automatically goes to the NICU. We are hoping to avoid NICU time so getting to 35 weeks is a good place to start with that. I know everyday these little guys stay in is better for them...but we made it this far!

Boy do I need a vacation!

And this weekend, I will get it!

The hubs and I are heading to Boston this weekend. It is about a 3 hour drive for us and we are staying at a swanky hotel on the harbor. He is taking Friday off and we should arrive around 3 or so. Now, yes, there is a bit more to this. It is also the PAX east convention, and unless your hubby or yourself are gaming geeks, you will have no clue what this is. It is 3 days of geekiness....but I am so okay with that. Nice hotel, no cooking, no cleaning, swimming and one of our good couple friends is going as well, and the boys will pal around and she and I will shop and do girl stuff. So I am super excited. Sort of a last weekend getaway before the babies come.

On the baby front..I got a call on Thursday from a nurse at the doctor's office saying that the doctor wanted me to have an amnio the day before our section. I had a lot of questions, as this had never been discussed with a doctor before. I was anxious all weekend and had a lot of questions. I went to the doctor and saw y favorite one yesterday and discussed it and feel better about it.

Basically they want to check for lung maturity since I won't be in active labor on my own and because of my past diabetes and stuff. I guess I will have it, but I am scared it will hurt. The doctor says there is no risk at all with the amnio and they will only do one baby, so not 2 sticks. It wasn't in my plan, but I guess with babies, you have to go with the flow.

I had no contractions yesterday on the monitor, all was well. My blood pressure is fine, but I do have some swelling in my feet/ankles so I need to elevate them. She said wait until 36 weeks and then if I want to try to bring on labor myself, I can..she said do spicy food and have we will start at 36 weeks with doing some of the old wives tails and see what it gets us. Other wise in 23, yes 23 days we will have 2 new little boys.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Saturday, March 5, 2011

A few random pictures...

Because I don't know how to write under the pictures,,,,here are a no particular order.

The diaper delivery that came and cost me $60.

A few of my maternity teasers...still waiting on the rest.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Babies Update!

Today we had a growth ultrasound and the babies are still measuring very large. Baby A weighs 5 pounds 8 ounces and Baby B weighs 4 pounds 13 ounces. That puts them in the 91 and 65th percentile with a 11% difference between them. The lady was really nice and was just starting to show us some 4-d stuff, but sadly I could not lay on my back anymore, I was about to throw up and pass out so we had to stop. This very well could be our last ultrasound! Knowing that, hubs came with me today. Both babies are heads to the right, feet swinging down and around on a and up and over on b.

I then went to the NST room and both babies were doing well. No contractions. Then I met with the doctor, one I like, and he said everything was looking good. There was some protein in my urine, but my blood pressure was fine as usual, so they are sending it out to see about a UTI.

I have been having MAJOR problems with pregnancy carpal tunel. It started last week and has gotten worse and now effects both hands. It is horrible at night and in the morning until they losen up. It prevents me from sleeping the numbness, loss of feeling, pain and just all sorts of really crappy feelings. It is in both of them now and it really just sucks. He suggested some wrist braces or he said he can send me to a hand surgeon for some steroid shots. I bought a few braces today and hope they help because I really can't imagine this pain/discomfort for another 4 weeks.

Speaking of another 4 weeks, he moved my c-section back to April 1st. He said going to 39 weeks was not recommended and that 38 weeks on the dot was when they like to take twins. Not a day before...they would have to do an amnio in order to take them before 38 weeks without there being a problem, but that 39 weeks was post term and could have some complications, especially with babies growing as large as ours are. So we are back to April 1st, with the doctor I don't love...but I will just be happy to be done...I am done now.

One thing I haven't shared on here is that I am having my tubes tied during the c-section. Even though I am only 31....we are done. 2 is enough..and my husband has a daughter who will be 18 on March 24th. We probably would have been done at 1, but 2 is good. We are 100% sure that we don't want anymore. We can't afford any more. My husband was going to go for a vasectomy, but after doing research and talking with my doctor, it adds 5 minutes to my procedure and no recovery complications. So that is our plan. I am a bit sad about it, even though I know it is the right decision for our family.

Oh, my new obsession is buying diapers on, through amazon mom and subscribe and save. I spent $60.25 today, used 18 coupons that I got at the doctors office today in magazines, and am getting 1210 diapers in various sizes (all huggies or pampers) and 1512 pampers wipes delivered to my door. That is a fantastic price. I got various sizes from 1-4, because I already have quite a stock of diapers built up for us. But without using my coupons it would have been $305! You have to look for the coupons and remember to cancel your subscription but to score a deal like that, it is worth it for me. I can say comfortably we have diapers for at least the first months, possibly longer from all the buying I have done over the last 8 months.

So thats the news. In 32 days I will be a mom holding babies!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Our Nursery

Is almost 100% done. Here are some pictures. At some point I need some help uploading pictures because they always go in the wrong order and never can I put writing under them like some of you all can. But for it is.

I love the cube piece, it came from Ikea and was exactly what I wanted/needed. And the shelves in the closet, which were there when we bought the place have been a life saver. I can't imagine having to try and find space for all that stuff if they were not there. I want to get their names in brown letters and hang them on the walls on the sides of their cribs, but we need to have names first!

The only thing I am unsure of is the monkey pillows hanging above the cribs. The pillows are cute, but can't be used in the crib....and I wanted to hang something above the cribs but nothing hard on the slight off chance it could ever fall and harm one of the babies. So that is what I have for now. Who knows, it may change.

Oh, and this nursery was done on a small budget!!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Whine, whine, whine.... is getting to be about that time. The time where being pregnant just sucks, at least with two. I don't know about with 1, but at this time frame 2 is really killing me.

I went to the doctors yesterday and the boys fought so much when they were trying to monitor them for contractions that they ended up having to monitor them separately.

I sort of screwed myself into being pregnant 6 days longer as well. I had a c section scheduled for April 1st. I didn't love the date but I also had only met the doctor one time and wasn't thrilled that she would be doing it. I was going to talk with her a little bit tomorrow because my appointment was with her.

I really wanted my favorite doctor. The one who I have been seeing all along. The one who deals very well with all my craziness and neurotics. Well, she saw me going into the room and she decided she would see me yesterday instead of the other doctor and I discussed my concerns with her about the other doctor doing my section. She said she was more than happy to do it and that she was on that Saturday and that they usually don't do non-emergency sections on weekends but that if a doctor okays it and the hospital okays it, then it's a go and she said she would try to work it out.

So I got a call an hour later saying the hospital wouldn't do that Saturday but that Dr. T was on that Thursday, the 7th. So now my c-section is April there at 11 am. 6 days longer.

I told Dr. T yesterday that my ribs hurt and she said after hearing the boys fight yesterday she is surprised that I haven't any broken ribs by now. I also complained about not being able to breathe well sometimes, and not being able to catch my breath. She seems not all surprised by any of this. What she did seem surprised by is that I am almost 33 weeks and made it this far without even one visit to the hospital...and that I have come this far without complications. She said I could go into labor any minute now and she is doubtful I will make it to 38 weeks, but we will see.

One new thing that is very problematic is it seems I have pregnancy carpal tunnel. It has only reared its ugly head the last few days but boy does it suck. It really sucks at night, it sucks when I want to do something and can't feel my right hand at all. She said it should get better by 8 weeks post birth, but could take up to 12 weeks.

Other things...I am tired, it takes every ounce of energy to do almost anything, even get in and out of my car. Trying to get comfy at night and rolling over is impossible. It is just getting worse and worse. The babies each gain about half a pound a week now, so they are growing in leaps in bounds and just getting huge....and that just makes me all that much more uncomfy. And I can't imagine it getting any better...just worse.

I made it to 33 weeks, but seriously guys...I am waving the white flag. I am done. I hurt and hurt and cry and cry and really don't know how I will do this for much longer. I am getting depressed and my motivation to do anything is almost never there. :-(

Sorry to be the Debbie downer of the day....but I just need to vent...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Maternity pictures session 1!

Maternity picture story.

So, I knew I wanted newborn pictures done, but maternity ones never crossed my mind. When I mentioned them to my husband to be sure he wasn't interested he actually was. He thought it would be something nice to do and remember. So I said okay.

And then I went on the hunt for someone affordable. I immediately thought of our wedding photographer because we really loved her work. I emailed her and she said she would think about it and get back to me. That was in September and then I never heard from her again. I have a friend that I went to school with in RI for many years and her hubby does photography on the side and she showed me some of his work. It was nice, and I was interested and it was only going to be $50 for the session for the disc of pictures. Great price, but I would have to travel 2 hours each way for the sessions. Not awful for matenrity pictures, but not ideal for newborn pictures. But it was an option.

Then while surfing Craigs List I came across an ad from a photographer looking to build her portfolio offering to do maternity and newborn pictures for free. So I email her. She is very interested in doing them for us, especially for the twins newborn pictures. So we email back and forth, I look at her website and she seems okay. And it's free, and only a 25 minute drive.

THEN a few weeks ago I hear from our wedding photographer saying she will do ours and for an amazingly cheap price of $30. Then I am torn. I love her and her work. I feel really comfortable with her.

I whine to the hubby...what do we or $30 ones...and he says no big deal, just do them both. So we decided to do both, Today was the free ones and the wedding photographer is doing ours on the 6th.

So, I am getting ready this morning and the worst thoughts cross my mind. I have done a LOT of business on Craigs List, from buying to selling and all sorts. But this morning I start thinking what if this lady is not a photographer at all, what if she is some crazy baby wanting lady wanting to cut me open and take the babies out of me and tell everyone they are hers and kill me. I know, gruesome, but that is what I thought all morning lol. I started second guessing going at all. The hubs and I decide to go, but I have to confess that I put my 9mm in the bottom of my bag of clothes. I never carry (only when walking the dog) but for some reason I was scared enough to do so today lol. (yes, we both have permits to carry a concealed weapon). I think this pregnancy has me all paranoid lol.

So we get there and she is very nice and her kids are there and clearly there is no danger. My husband kept the bag at his feet at all times (safe from kids, not from fear he would need the gun!) We took pictures...from what I saw they are okay. I think I wish I looked much more pregnant than fat, which isn't her fault lol. I mean I have a HUGE bump but I still look fat too. I will have the pictures within 2 weeks.

All in all it was a good experience.....we talked newborn pictures and she is going to come to us for them. She showed me some of her props and I am beyond excited..she has the cutest little hats and cocoons and stuff! I think they will be adorable!

So, we did them today, I will post a few when I get them, but they aren't as great as lots of others that I have seen and as I said, mostly because of my body shape I think.

Oh, and I think I have totally popped in the last few days,. I have gotten WOAHED 3 times..Tim and I went to a new doctor yesterday and the receptionist went WOAH, you are still walking around after seeing me.

Oh! And today after pictures the hubs and I went out to one of my favorite restaurants for a last fancy dinner out....I had surf and rib and baked stuffed shrimp and lobster bisque. It was a nice dinner and the food was fantastic!

So, that is my day!

Maternity pictures day.

Round 1 of maternity pictures today. I am not really sure why I want to remember being as big as a whale lol but the hubby thought it was a great idea. We are doing 2 sessions, one today and one on March 6th...just in case we didn't make it that far! I will post some when I get them back!

Oh, and it would be nice if my hair would cooperate.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

We have a date!

For our scheduled c-section that is. April 1st. Yes, april fools day babies....that is unless they decide to come on their own before then, which I hope they do and the doctor seems to think they will. Although I don't know...they seem perfectly happy just swimming in there....we shall any event, in 43 days from now, I won't be pregnant anymore, and that thought makes me happy. I am not happy about the date, but there isn't much I can do about it.

Not much else going on really....Saturday night we went over some friends house who are also expecting a baby boy in June and played some games and ate pizza, it was really a nice time to be out and be with other couples...I really enjoy low key nights like that.

Valentines day came and went. I read many posts about what everyone got, but all we do is generally exchange cards and do a nice dinner out. We went out for boneless wings that night, but this weekend we will go to my favorite restaurant so I can get me some prime rib....oh heavenly!

I feel like I have so much to do around this house...everyday I add more to my to-do list, yet my energy and motivation is dwindling daily as well. I sure hope I get that burst of energy that everyone speaks of so I can knock all this stuff out! I feel like our home will never be ready!

Sleep is a major issue. As in I get hardly any and the little that I do get usually comes sitting up on the couch around 5 am. My hips hurt in bed and I toss and turn so much...which is getting so hard to do now. I complianed to the doctor and all he said was my body has been hijacked and that there isn't much we can do. Pooh.

43 more days....43 more days. Has anyone ever died from going 43 days without much sleep?

Oh, and another woot! 14 followers on my blog now!

Saturday, February 12, 2011 warned.

Lately it seems that there are many pregnant people around, both online and in my real life. And this rant is over baby gear, or stuff.

I feel like I am the only person left out there in the world who is being economical, and cost efficient and not buying the best of everything brand new for our babies. Does this make me a bad mom?

My husband works and makes a decent living. Enough for me to stay home with our babies for at least the first year, and possibly beyond. I haven worked since September when I was 8 weeks pregnant with the twins. But even when I did work, I have always sort of been a non-elaborate person. I never had the nicest clothes or my hair done at a salon. It was just never me.

It is no secret that babies need a lot and cost a lot, and with twins, it's double that. Certain things were important to me, and certain things not. Most of all, I didn't want to waste money. I didn't mind looking on craig's list for used stuff, stuff that they would only be in for a short while. I don't mind shopping for clothes for them off clearance racks and using coupons, and in fact have so many clothes up to 12 months that I love from Carters and OLd Navy by shopping smart.

But do you really need $200 baby car seats, or the $600 twin baby stroller. Does it make you not as great of a parent if you don't have that stuff? Do they really need $20 baby onsies, or will the gerber ones do?

How do people justify spending that money? I belong to a twin group, and we live in a pretty well off county in our town, although we live on the boarder of this county and another lol, but I belong to the Fairfield County MOthers of Multiples and sometimes I feel like I Just don't belong, when they are talking about all the lessons their 1 year olds take, and the super duper strollers they have, and the nannys that they have, even though they are a stay at home mom.

I have a friend on facebook who is pregnant and works maybe 15 hours a week in retail..her only job, and the stuff that she is saying she "needs" for her baby is just ridiculous...yes, maybe it is cute, but is it practical or necessary? Not at all. How can she afford it and be okay with paying that, and me, who is married and owns a home, isn't. Am I just cheap, or am I too stressed about money.

I think this post is sort of all over and I hope you get the points I am trying to make. Does baby gear and the quality of it, make you a better mom. Is me not being willing to spend a small fortune on things for our babies a bad sign?

We were not blessed with a large shower, nor do our families have a lot of money. We have had to do it all on our own, and to me, that means being practical and sensible. We bought our cribs new, because so many safety concerns and seats as well. I would love a new double snap and go, because the one were were given by a friend is older, but even there I can't seem to wrap my head around spending the $75 for a new one.

Anything and everything our babies need they will have. It may not always be the best of it, but they will have it. We don't plan to have any more children, so we don't need to pass our stuff down to 1 or 2 more kids. This is it.

So I don't know, I am feeling a little on the low side that maybe I should buy better things for our kids...I buy what gets good reviews, but on the lower cost side (thank you Baby Bargains 2010!).

On another note, the nursery is done, I will post pictures next post.

Monday, February 7, 2011


I lead a pretty uneventful I feel like I don't have much to blog about...aside from food and snow, those seem to consume my life lately.

This weekend was a pretty good weekend...on Friday we watched a scary movie and ate pizza!

On Saturday Tim (my hubby) and I took his daughter Alanna, who will be 18 in March, to a college about an hour away for an acting major was pretty fun to go and see and be a part of. We like being a part of stuff like's a tough program and they are only taking 12 out of 150 applicants. I hope she gets in, but I worry about how upset she will be if she doesn't. She applied at like 4 or 5 other local hopefully she will get something!

We had delish wings while we were out and just putzed around.

On Sunday we of course had the superbowl. We went to a party and it was a lot of fun. I made stuffed bread and really enjoy the company of the his co worker and his family.

Today I went to Ikea and got a last piece of storage furniture I wanted for the nursery...I took Moxie to get her nails cut and then I took a nap.

I do not sleep anymore, it's really difficult to catch more than an hour or 2 of sleep at a stretch at night, and my husbands snoring does not help at all....he was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea and is hesitant to get the machine that will make him not snore...I am desperate to get it! He wants to talk to our general care doctor, but I really need some peace! I have been catching a few hours of good sleep in the early mornings on the couch...almost sitting up...since laying in bed hurts my hips a lot. I then try to take a nap in the afternoon and have been pretty successful most days. But I am still really, really tired.

I will be 31 weeks this seems unreal to me really.

I am really struggling to be able to keep the house clean and find the motivation to do things like vacuum and clean the bathroom and do laundry. I am caught up on laundry but the rest of the's killing me. I can't just realx and let it go, because I enjoy a clean house, and the hair our animals give off is unbelievable...but at the same time, there is NO energy or motivation to do it...I am tired, beyond tired...I hate that part.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

All about the babies!

So yesterday I had my growth ultrasound and my weekly NST done. All seems to be well.

The only concern is that the babies are rather large...large for a singleton baby, never mind twins.

Baby A is still transverse (head to the left) and is weighing 3 lbs 12 ozs. That puts him in the 95th percentile for a single baby.

Baby B is transverse as well (head to the left) and is weighing 3 lbs 4 ozs. That puts him in the 77th percentile for a single babies.

Twins, by nature, should be smaller. Not my guys. It appears I am giving birth to 2 monster babies. There is a larger than they like to see difference in their weights..and she said they will watch that but it's not a huge deal. She said it's not like one is big and one is small...they are both big, one is just bigger big.

I had no contractions on the monitor and I am good to go until next week.

They checked my cervix for the last time yesterday! No more internal ultrasounds! It was still over that magic little number of 3, which means it's great. They won't check it anymore because there isn't really anything they would do for it shortening now except say bedrest. And I am not having that!

After my appointments I went and did SO much baby shopping, trying to wrap up all the last minute things we need that we did not get for our shower, It was a lot, and it cost a lot of money! I used some gift cards...but no one had gotten us any gift cards to Babies R Us. I have 2 Kohls gift cards that I reallly have no use for....they don't have anything there that I could really use for the babies. Yes, they have clothes, but our guys are good for clothes for the first year. I wish I could trade them in for cash *sigh* because I spent so much at BRU....I got sheets (6) and mattress pad toppers (2) and the changing table pad and nail clippers and blankets (4) and cloth diapers for spit up and toys and so many random things that we needed...bottles, and breast milk storage bags and and and lol. But...I would to think that we are all set for now. There are probably 100 more things I will discover that we need, and the same amount of things that I want (like a twilight turtle, or one of those mama womb sound bears) but I had best make sure all our needs are met first, sadly. Money is not growing on trees for this house hold and these little guys are BREAKING the bank!

Monday, January 31, 2011


I feel like I should post because I haven't in a long time lol but all that we have that is new here is all the snow that keeps hitting us....Seriously. I will post pictures...the snow in my yard is up to the top of my 4.5 foot dog could just walk over the fence if she wanted to lol Moxie loves fresh snow and enjoys playing in it...but she isn't in love with the old snow anymore lol.

My baby shower was yesterday, it was really nice and small and intimate...maybe 15 people. We don't have a large family by far. My mother-in-law went way above and beyond, there was so much food and she did was really cute. We got some great stuff...we didn't need anything large, because we have purchased all the large items for the boys, but we got crib mattresses, which we really needed, and our monitor and the square pack and play. Oh, and we got 1 of the 4 next step carseats we will need as well! My mom is getting us 2 high chairs, but I have yet to find ones that I like. But we made out well....we got some gift cards and what not. A few things we don't have that we need are crib sheets. We have none! And I probably need like $12 a piece..holy cost batman! And I need the pad for the top of the changer, and a hand breast pump and just odd and end things. I bet I can spend all our gift cards and then another $200 trying to wrap up all that we need. SO MUCH MONEY! ahhhh lol

But all in all, it was fun.

The babies have been super active the last 4 or so days...they had stopped moving so much and the doctor has said it was because they are running out of room...but the last 4 days they have been nuts..not super hard kicking, just lots of smaller ones, but big enough to see my tummy move, or for Tim to feel. I love it. I think I will miss that the most when I am no longer pregnant.

Today I go in for a growth scan and a NST test...I have been doing NST tests every week for the last 4 weeks and never a contraction in sight, but they insist I do it. I am curious to see how uch our babies weigh! 4 weeks ago they were 1.15 and 2.1 pounds ....I will post a bit about the doctors later with the new weights. We are 29 weeks and 4 days today.

I will end with a few pictures!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I am so tired of snow. That is all I have to say. We just keep getting ice storm this past week and another foot of snow coming this Tuesday. I don't like to go out in it in, I hate to drive in it and I hate that my husband has to drive to work in it. But such is life I suppose.

My puppy took a spill on the ice last week and had a cut on her chin and paw...she was a good sport and it healed nicely with mama playing nurse but now on her black chin she has this super bright pink skin spot..its all healed but I really hope it grows some fur back! She looks a tad funny!

Our nephew just came over..he is 21 now! We are throwing him a birthday bash next Saturday night at the pool hall, we rented out the private VIP room and invited 15 guys....I am not going, just throwing it. Some of the wives will come here and hang out...he is such a good kid. We had originally promised him that we would take him to New Orleans for his 21st birthday, we had the dates planned and everything, but then I got pregnant, and lost my job, and my husband needs all the days off he has for stuff this year (2 weeks babies, 1 week beach house, a few days vasectomy and a few random days) so it;s about the money but also about the time. He is a good sport and gets it but I still feel really bad...a pool hall is NOT New Orleans....we hope to take him within the next year though...

My brother-in-law and his GF and her 6 year old came over tonight and between them and the hubs the managed to get 2 coats of the green paint on the nursery walls! So excited...all it needs is a brown stripe! Tim is going to put together the cribs and dresser tomorrow as well. It seems to be getting very real!

We toured our hospital this week..due to a mix up on their part we got a private tour with the maternity floors nurse was nice, and very personal...we got to ask lots of questions...we did find out that any baby born there before 35 weeks has to go to the we are hoping to hold these little boys in for another 7 weeks, which will give us our 35 week babies!

I have been having a lot of pressure and not being able to sleep because my hips hurt. I have had what they believe are 2 gallbladder attacks now..I had an ultrasound on it last week and will find out the results on Tuesday hopefully. It may need to come out after the babies...

My shower is next Sunday, the 30th...if you remember I am sort of throwing it myself, due to lack of friends and family who were able it is a joint effort on my part with a few other people..

Our next many weekends are so busy...I look forward to some calm some point..who knows when.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Holy cow batman have we here in CT been hit with a LOT of snow. We had a storm/blizzard overnight and woke up to 19 inches of snow. It was crazy. This is the second bad storm in the last 2 weeks...much of the snow from the last storm hasn't melted so to just pile this on was rough. Almost the whole state was shut down. Tim had to shovel for like 2 hours to get our cars free...he of course had to go to work, but by the time he left at 2 pm, the highways were pretty well under control.

Of course I can't help shovel but I stayed outside with him while he shoveled and I played in the snow with the dog and just kept him company. Moxie LOVES the snow..but this morning when I opened the door, the tiny bit I could get it open because the snow was so deep against it, and she stepped out and the snow touched her belly, she sure was a little surprised. She seems to pee standing up lol.

I also made a yummy thick, bacony clam chowder for dinner tonight...for some reason snow makes me think soup so everytime it snows I try and make a different soup. I was excited about this and then took a few bites only to discover it is not what I wanted..but the hubs will really appreciate it and love it.

Oh! We got a Keurig machine! I don't drink coffee,and the hubs has a cup or 2 at work or some tea...because he wont make a pot at home for himself...we had gotten a $100 gift card and I had a coupon so it only cost me $15 out of pocket. We like it so far. We need to order some more of the little cups....

On the baby front..I went to the doctor yesterday for another cervix ultrasound check and it came back much better than last weeks lower no bed rest for me!

From Saturday night until Monday morning, almost 36 hours, I had one of the worst pain attacks I have ever had. Very similar to the one before was incredible..I couldn't move, I couldnt walk, but I could also tell it had nothing to do with the babies. Turns out it may be my gallbladder. It seems many women have trouble with it while pregnant, I go for an ultrasound on it on Tuesday and I hope they find out what is causing these pain attacks. the 2 were 9 days apart and just amazingly debilitating.

I think my husband is going away this weekend we have friends coming over to help paint the nursery...weekend after that is our nephews 21st bday party sat night (boys only, rented a VIP room at a pool hall..I am throwing it but no girls allowed lol) and then Sunday is my baby shower! Woot.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The things no one tells you about before you get version.

So of course I knew my body would change and stuff would happen when I got pregnant. Did I bargain for all this? No. Some of these may be elevated because I am carrying twins.

  • You can not go more than 10 minutes without peeing. It is terrible. Especially when you lay on your back at night.
  • You burp and fart like a man...better than your husband. I went 7 years without ever farting in front of my husband, because I am very ladylike like that! When these babies started forming all bets were off. It's terrible, but oh so necessary..and it is obnoxious as can be...
  • A huge can't poop. This is the one I most complain to the doctor sucks.
  • Rolling over in bed becomes an Olympic sport. And I have to roll a LOT to try and find a comfy spot, and when you do find a comfy spot, don't worry, it won't last long.
  • There is a party in my uterus 24 hours a day. Sometimes the babies forget to invite me or ask first, like at 3 am when they are doing the moon walk or whatever other jig they are doing at that very moment inside of me. (Note: This is the one that I mind the least...its actually amazing)
  • Your filters seem to come off and you say whatever, whenever, even if it may not have been the right moment or the right thing to say. Stupid hormones.
  • You meet Wanda (vaginal ultrasound) very very often. I thought we had ended our relationship back at the RE's office, but nope, we meet at least every other week for a quickie.
  • If you laugh, cough, blow your nose or fart, there is a good chance you may involuntarily let a little tinkle out. Always panty liners are my best friend.
  • Your boobs will get huge. If you are like me, beyond huge, to the point where you wonder if there ever was a case where they just never stopped growing. (Note: This is probably the one my husband minds the least).
  • If you used to shave every week faithfully, you now are lucky to shave every 3rd week. It is a LOT of work.
  • You pick a lot of things up with your toes...because bending doesn't feel great.
  • You are hot..especially at night. I turn our heat down to 56, sleep in undies and still kick off some of the blankets.
  • You can not remember where you used to put your hands when you sat or stood before being pregnant, because now they always seem to gravitate to your swollen belly!
There are probably many others, but this is all that is coming to me for now!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Babies update

So this post will be very much about our growing babies..who are currently cooking and have been for 25 weeks 5 days.

Last Thursday night they gave us a troubled night with a lot of pain and the point of tears and not being able to sleep. Finally at 4 am we called the doctor on call. He said we could go to the hospital, but it was his opinion that it was more gas/constipation than any sort of I was up all night and then had to make the 2 hour trip down to RI to do my baby shower invites with my cousin and then 2 hours back. It was a LONG day on NYE for me. I was in bed at 9:30 that night. IT made me feel old being in bed that early on NYE..but I was just beyond beat. Tim woke me up at 11:50 to see the ball and I think I was back asleep by 12:10. I needed the rest.

The weekend was nice and sort of low key..we celebrated our nephews birthday on Sunday, which was also the day that all of a sudden it felt like I had a pulled muscle in my stomach...I could barely even walk...

We did go to Baby Depot and bought a breast pump though. Yes, my hubby came along, he was a good sport! I got the Medela Pump in Style. I am excited!

Today we went to the doctors. I had a growth scan ultrasound done and was very relieved to know that both babies are okay. With all the pain and discomfort I couldn't help but worry that something had gone terribly gone with one of both babies. I was glad that was not the case and both were fine.

Baby A appears to weigh about 2.1 pounds and baby B about 1.15 pounds. So just about 2 ounces seperating them.

My cervix has shortened and the doctor was a bit concerned. He said I had to rest this week and they will do a ultrasound and recheck it next week and if it has shortened anymore we will have to talk about bedrest. I can't even walk my Moxie anymore...basically, rest as much as I can. Which I imagine will be terribly boring and hard for me.

I got hooked up to the monitor, and was having no contractions this week.

So, all is well, but it seems as though these lil guys are ready to start causing some trouble!

I hope you all had a great New Years and that each and every dream you have for 2011 comes true!

I am so excited to see that I have 7 whole followers! Last time I only had 5!