Monday, February 28, 2011

Babies Update!

Today we had a growth ultrasound and the babies are still measuring very large. Baby A weighs 5 pounds 8 ounces and Baby B weighs 4 pounds 13 ounces. That puts them in the 91 and 65th percentile with a 11% difference between them. The lady was really nice and was just starting to show us some 4-d stuff, but sadly I could not lay on my back anymore, I was about to throw up and pass out so we had to stop. This very well could be our last ultrasound! Knowing that, hubs came with me today. Both babies are heads to the right, feet swinging down and around on a and up and over on b.

I then went to the NST room and both babies were doing well. No contractions. Then I met with the doctor, one I like, and he said everything was looking good. There was some protein in my urine, but my blood pressure was fine as usual, so they are sending it out to see about a UTI.

I have been having MAJOR problems with pregnancy carpal tunel. It started last week and has gotten worse and now effects both hands. It is horrible at night and in the morning until they losen up. It prevents me from sleeping the numbness, loss of feeling, pain and just all sorts of really crappy feelings. It is in both of them now and it really just sucks. He suggested some wrist braces or he said he can send me to a hand surgeon for some steroid shots. I bought a few braces today and hope they help because I really can't imagine this pain/discomfort for another 4 weeks.

Speaking of another 4 weeks, he moved my c-section back to April 1st. He said going to 39 weeks was not recommended and that 38 weeks on the dot was when they like to take twins. Not a day before...they would have to do an amnio in order to take them before 38 weeks without there being a problem, but that 39 weeks was post term and could have some complications, especially with babies growing as large as ours are. So we are back to April 1st, with the doctor I don't love...but I will just be happy to be done...I am done now.

One thing I haven't shared on here is that I am having my tubes tied during the c-section. Even though I am only 31....we are done. 2 is enough..and my husband has a daughter who will be 18 on March 24th. We probably would have been done at 1, but 2 is good. We are 100% sure that we don't want anymore. We can't afford any more. My husband was going to go for a vasectomy, but after doing research and talking with my doctor, it adds 5 minutes to my procedure and no recovery complications. So that is our plan. I am a bit sad about it, even though I know it is the right decision for our family.

Oh, my new obsession is buying diapers on, through amazon mom and subscribe and save. I spent $60.25 today, used 18 coupons that I got at the doctors office today in magazines, and am getting 1210 diapers in various sizes (all huggies or pampers) and 1512 pampers wipes delivered to my door. That is a fantastic price. I got various sizes from 1-4, because I already have quite a stock of diapers built up for us. But without using my coupons it would have been $305! You have to look for the coupons and remember to cancel your subscription but to score a deal like that, it is worth it for me. I can say comfortably we have diapers for at least the first months, possibly longer from all the buying I have done over the last 8 months.

So thats the news. In 32 days I will be a mom holding babies!


We have Angel Wings

Eek! I am so excited for you!! 32 days... Oh my! I can't wait to see your sweet little guys.

Thinking of you. ((hugs))

♥ T

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