Monday, August 23, 2010

Hello out there!

Oh goodness, I am so excited to know that a few people are reading my blog and commenting. I have missed all the comments because I had no idea anyone read this! Thank you! It makes me beyond excited, scarily excited if you must know.

So what a shitty nights sleep I had last night. There is no other word to describe it. And it is all thanks to my dog. My poor 2.5 year old dog named Moxie, who from the moment we brought her home at 9 weeks always slept upstairs in our bedroom. She is in denial that we have moved rooms. She is angry about it, in fact.

All night last night I would hear walk in our new room, stare at me, throw her weight against the mattress with a sigh, walk out and I would hear her walk upstairs. She would stay there for about 30 mins and repeat the whole process. Even as I type this, she is upstairs and refuses to enter the new bedroom.

We brought her bed in here, showed it to her, pet her, talked to her and she couldnt get out fast enough. Poor thing, but really, its a room. Your bed is here, your mom and dad are here...lets get over it.

Hopefully tonight is a far better night, but I am not getting my hopes up from the mere fact that she refuse to come downstairs.



Yay for finding your comments :) For poor Moxie, have you shut her in the new bedroom, ie, not given her a choice but to stay in there? What about bribing her with some treats? We have 2 huskies that not just sleep in our room, but in our bed. Luckily with our moves and trips to grandmas they adjust and sleep wherever. Give her some time to adjust but since she seems stuck in her ways a bit I'd definitely look at these as teaching moments with her especially with the babies coming home and changing her routine eventually too! :)

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