Sunday, August 22, 2010

Super busy!

We have been super busy in the Stanton household this weekend.....

Our house is 3 floors, the top floor has 2 bedrooms, the main floor has 2 bedrooms, the bathroom and the iving room and kitchen and the basement is finished and actually where we spend most of our time. We have always had our bedroom on the top floor, but now the doc wants me to limit my stairs and the whole getting up 4 times a night thing is old already we are moving our bedroom to the main floor, right near the bathroom! And the babies room will be across the hall.
Blogger: Our journey to becoming two, and then hopefully three.... - Create Post
The bedroom we were going into was a light purple, it is my stepdaughter's room...I do not want a purple bedroom. I have a really nice bedding set in our bedroom I love, so I wanted to match the bedroom to it, I picked brown. a deep, dark brown. I was scared, I have never done such deep, bold color...but figured with the white trim and the light bedroom furniture we have it would be okay....I love it!

My brother in law came over yesterday and helped and the 3 of us got the 2 coats of paint on it nd it looks fantastic! Today we have to touch up some of the white trim where some brown got on it...we have friends coming over later to help the hubs move the bedroom furniture downstairs from up.

We also went to the Oyster Festival yesterday for the first was fun, I would go again, it was free and it go us to walk a few miles and people watch and just take it all was fun.

So I have this fear each and everyday that something bad will happen to our babies, That we will have the VTS or that I will micarry, I wish I could get over it..I have had some lower pressure and a bit of pain...I go for an ultrasound Tuesday I hope all is al right.



The new bedroom sounds gorgeous!! Post pics!! :) I'm sure its hard not to worry and I don't have any suggestions for you, but you give me hope and faith that our upcoming IUIs can be successful, so thank you!! :) Also, Oyster Festivals are so much fun! When we use to live in VA instead of KY we went every year to the Urbanna Oyster Festival - best times ever with yummy food!


Ohh!! My first comment. I am glad that I gave you hope. I know how hard all of this is, and most times people just do not get it. At all. And people seemed so quick to rip away your hope as well, not on purpose but just by the small, simple things they would say. It will happen when it is time. No, not if there is a medical reason it is not happening. Why are you looking at baby stuff, you aren't pregnant. Hey, if it is what gets me through this month, then leave me be.

I know you have an anniversary coming up, we do as well, and it would be so great if you had a double celebration to celebrate!

The Oyster Festival was fun! The lines for food were so long though. We wiated like 20 minutes to get some fresh squeezed lemonade and it was delish, but I was good and avoided the fried dough, even though it seemed to be calling me by name.

I will post pictures of my bedroom as soon as it is complete!

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