Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I think I may be addicted to blogs. I come home and the first thing I want to do is read them. Especially the ones that I am waiting for big news on! I read probably about 20 blogs, but comment on very few. I dont want people to think I am some weird random girl. But I started reading one blog and just followed link after link and bookmarked the ones that I liked, or that had some similarities to my life. I now read about 20...and enjoy them all. Maybe I should comment more, then maybe more people would read my bloog, which would be great.

Random things - a few pictures as well!

* I froze food for the first time in my life and it did not go so well. A big slab of lasagna..I wrapped it in wax paper and then foil and then put in a baggie. I should have skipped the wax did not peel off very nice, in fact it didnt peel all off. We are thinking of buying a chest freezer, but I guess I should learn how to freeze stuff first.

* I am loving my new bedroom. It needs curtain, as the black trashbags taped up right now take a little something away from the room, but there are 2 windows in this room and our other bedroom had a very small one so the light is so bright. I hate bright light in the morning. After I get curtains I will post pictures.

* Moxie seems to be adjusting a bit more each day, but clearly has a preference for upstairs. She has slept half the nights with us though.

* I went to the doctors yesterday and saw 2 flickering little heartbeats. It caused a slew of emotions that I will talk about in another blog post.

* One really odd, very embarrassing fact about me is that I am almost 31 years old and still sleep with "woobie" shorts. I have had this pair of nylon shorts (never wore them) and I HAVE to have them in hand to go to sleep. I rub them, they make a comfroting swish sound. I said I would give them up when I got married. I havent.

* I got a pedicure today. I love them.



Hey lady! Um, you're not alone, I still sleep with my blankie from childhood. Yes, thank goodness my hubby loves me! So your comment on my pups in the vlog...Dallas is definitely hyperactive. She's 4.5 and still acts like she's 1.5! Loucie (yes, Lucy, but we named her for our adopted hometown LOUisville and we wanted her and Dallas to have the same number of letters their names, yup I'm a tad OCD!) is our rescue, she just turned 3 and as long as she's around you she's peaceful. She gets her bursts of energy, especially outside watching birds, squirrels and cats next door but typically she's super laid back and definitely Mommy's girl. Dallas is all in my face last night because she likes being the center of attention! Glad to hear Moxie is getting better adjusted :) Definitely comment -you'll get more followers and everyone loves a comment!!

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