Monday, January 31, 2011


I feel like I should post because I haven't in a long time lol but all that we have that is new here is all the snow that keeps hitting us....Seriously. I will post pictures...the snow in my yard is up to the top of my 4.5 foot dog could just walk over the fence if she wanted to lol Moxie loves fresh snow and enjoys playing in it...but she isn't in love with the old snow anymore lol.

My baby shower was yesterday, it was really nice and small and intimate...maybe 15 people. We don't have a large family by far. My mother-in-law went way above and beyond, there was so much food and she did was really cute. We got some great stuff...we didn't need anything large, because we have purchased all the large items for the boys, but we got crib mattresses, which we really needed, and our monitor and the square pack and play. Oh, and we got 1 of the 4 next step carseats we will need as well! My mom is getting us 2 high chairs, but I have yet to find ones that I like. But we made out well....we got some gift cards and what not. A few things we don't have that we need are crib sheets. We have none! And I probably need like $12 a piece..holy cost batman! And I need the pad for the top of the changer, and a hand breast pump and just odd and end things. I bet I can spend all our gift cards and then another $200 trying to wrap up all that we need. SO MUCH MONEY! ahhhh lol

But all in all, it was fun.

The babies have been super active the last 4 or so days...they had stopped moving so much and the doctor has said it was because they are running out of room...but the last 4 days they have been nuts..not super hard kicking, just lots of smaller ones, but big enough to see my tummy move, or for Tim to feel. I love it. I think I will miss that the most when I am no longer pregnant.

Today I go in for a growth scan and a NST test...I have been doing NST tests every week for the last 4 weeks and never a contraction in sight, but they insist I do it. I am curious to see how uch our babies weigh! 4 weeks ago they were 1.15 and 2.1 pounds ....I will post a bit about the doctors later with the new weights. We are 29 weeks and 4 days today.

I will end with a few pictures!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I am so tired of snow. That is all I have to say. We just keep getting ice storm this past week and another foot of snow coming this Tuesday. I don't like to go out in it in, I hate to drive in it and I hate that my husband has to drive to work in it. But such is life I suppose.

My puppy took a spill on the ice last week and had a cut on her chin and paw...she was a good sport and it healed nicely with mama playing nurse but now on her black chin she has this super bright pink skin spot..its all healed but I really hope it grows some fur back! She looks a tad funny!

Our nephew just came over..he is 21 now! We are throwing him a birthday bash next Saturday night at the pool hall, we rented out the private VIP room and invited 15 guys....I am not going, just throwing it. Some of the wives will come here and hang out...he is such a good kid. We had originally promised him that we would take him to New Orleans for his 21st birthday, we had the dates planned and everything, but then I got pregnant, and lost my job, and my husband needs all the days off he has for stuff this year (2 weeks babies, 1 week beach house, a few days vasectomy and a few random days) so it;s about the money but also about the time. He is a good sport and gets it but I still feel really bad...a pool hall is NOT New Orleans....we hope to take him within the next year though...

My brother-in-law and his GF and her 6 year old came over tonight and between them and the hubs the managed to get 2 coats of the green paint on the nursery walls! So excited...all it needs is a brown stripe! Tim is going to put together the cribs and dresser tomorrow as well. It seems to be getting very real!

We toured our hospital this week..due to a mix up on their part we got a private tour with the maternity floors nurse was nice, and very personal...we got to ask lots of questions...we did find out that any baby born there before 35 weeks has to go to the we are hoping to hold these little boys in for another 7 weeks, which will give us our 35 week babies!

I have been having a lot of pressure and not being able to sleep because my hips hurt. I have had what they believe are 2 gallbladder attacks now..I had an ultrasound on it last week and will find out the results on Tuesday hopefully. It may need to come out after the babies...

My shower is next Sunday, the 30th...if you remember I am sort of throwing it myself, due to lack of friends and family who were able it is a joint effort on my part with a few other people..

Our next many weekends are so busy...I look forward to some calm some point..who knows when.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Holy cow batman have we here in CT been hit with a LOT of snow. We had a storm/blizzard overnight and woke up to 19 inches of snow. It was crazy. This is the second bad storm in the last 2 weeks...much of the snow from the last storm hasn't melted so to just pile this on was rough. Almost the whole state was shut down. Tim had to shovel for like 2 hours to get our cars free...he of course had to go to work, but by the time he left at 2 pm, the highways were pretty well under control.

Of course I can't help shovel but I stayed outside with him while he shoveled and I played in the snow with the dog and just kept him company. Moxie LOVES the snow..but this morning when I opened the door, the tiny bit I could get it open because the snow was so deep against it, and she stepped out and the snow touched her belly, she sure was a little surprised. She seems to pee standing up lol.

I also made a yummy thick, bacony clam chowder for dinner tonight...for some reason snow makes me think soup so everytime it snows I try and make a different soup. I was excited about this and then took a few bites only to discover it is not what I wanted..but the hubs will really appreciate it and love it.

Oh! We got a Keurig machine! I don't drink coffee,and the hubs has a cup or 2 at work or some tea...because he wont make a pot at home for himself...we had gotten a $100 gift card and I had a coupon so it only cost me $15 out of pocket. We like it so far. We need to order some more of the little cups....

On the baby front..I went to the doctor yesterday for another cervix ultrasound check and it came back much better than last weeks lower no bed rest for me!

From Saturday night until Monday morning, almost 36 hours, I had one of the worst pain attacks I have ever had. Very similar to the one before was incredible..I couldn't move, I couldnt walk, but I could also tell it had nothing to do with the babies. Turns out it may be my gallbladder. It seems many women have trouble with it while pregnant, I go for an ultrasound on it on Tuesday and I hope they find out what is causing these pain attacks. the 2 were 9 days apart and just amazingly debilitating.

I think my husband is going away this weekend we have friends coming over to help paint the nursery...weekend after that is our nephews 21st bday party sat night (boys only, rented a VIP room at a pool hall..I am throwing it but no girls allowed lol) and then Sunday is my baby shower! Woot.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The things no one tells you about before you get version.

So of course I knew my body would change and stuff would happen when I got pregnant. Did I bargain for all this? No. Some of these may be elevated because I am carrying twins.

  • You can not go more than 10 minutes without peeing. It is terrible. Especially when you lay on your back at night.
  • You burp and fart like a man...better than your husband. I went 7 years without ever farting in front of my husband, because I am very ladylike like that! When these babies started forming all bets were off. It's terrible, but oh so necessary..and it is obnoxious as can be...
  • A huge can't poop. This is the one I most complain to the doctor sucks.
  • Rolling over in bed becomes an Olympic sport. And I have to roll a LOT to try and find a comfy spot, and when you do find a comfy spot, don't worry, it won't last long.
  • There is a party in my uterus 24 hours a day. Sometimes the babies forget to invite me or ask first, like at 3 am when they are doing the moon walk or whatever other jig they are doing at that very moment inside of me. (Note: This is the one that I mind the least...its actually amazing)
  • Your filters seem to come off and you say whatever, whenever, even if it may not have been the right moment or the right thing to say. Stupid hormones.
  • You meet Wanda (vaginal ultrasound) very very often. I thought we had ended our relationship back at the RE's office, but nope, we meet at least every other week for a quickie.
  • If you laugh, cough, blow your nose or fart, there is a good chance you may involuntarily let a little tinkle out. Always panty liners are my best friend.
  • Your boobs will get huge. If you are like me, beyond huge, to the point where you wonder if there ever was a case where they just never stopped growing. (Note: This is probably the one my husband minds the least).
  • If you used to shave every week faithfully, you now are lucky to shave every 3rd week. It is a LOT of work.
  • You pick a lot of things up with your toes...because bending doesn't feel great.
  • You are hot..especially at night. I turn our heat down to 56, sleep in undies and still kick off some of the blankets.
  • You can not remember where you used to put your hands when you sat or stood before being pregnant, because now they always seem to gravitate to your swollen belly!
There are probably many others, but this is all that is coming to me for now!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Babies update

So this post will be very much about our growing babies..who are currently cooking and have been for 25 weeks 5 days.

Last Thursday night they gave us a troubled night with a lot of pain and the point of tears and not being able to sleep. Finally at 4 am we called the doctor on call. He said we could go to the hospital, but it was his opinion that it was more gas/constipation than any sort of I was up all night and then had to make the 2 hour trip down to RI to do my baby shower invites with my cousin and then 2 hours back. It was a LONG day on NYE for me. I was in bed at 9:30 that night. IT made me feel old being in bed that early on NYE..but I was just beyond beat. Tim woke me up at 11:50 to see the ball and I think I was back asleep by 12:10. I needed the rest.

The weekend was nice and sort of low key..we celebrated our nephews birthday on Sunday, which was also the day that all of a sudden it felt like I had a pulled muscle in my stomach...I could barely even walk...

We did go to Baby Depot and bought a breast pump though. Yes, my hubby came along, he was a good sport! I got the Medela Pump in Style. I am excited!

Today we went to the doctors. I had a growth scan ultrasound done and was very relieved to know that both babies are okay. With all the pain and discomfort I couldn't help but worry that something had gone terribly gone with one of both babies. I was glad that was not the case and both were fine.

Baby A appears to weigh about 2.1 pounds and baby B about 1.15 pounds. So just about 2 ounces seperating them.

My cervix has shortened and the doctor was a bit concerned. He said I had to rest this week and they will do a ultrasound and recheck it next week and if it has shortened anymore we will have to talk about bedrest. I can't even walk my Moxie anymore...basically, rest as much as I can. Which I imagine will be terribly boring and hard for me.

I got hooked up to the monitor, and was having no contractions this week.

So, all is well, but it seems as though these lil guys are ready to start causing some trouble!

I hope you all had a great New Years and that each and every dream you have for 2011 comes true!

I am so excited to see that I have 7 whole followers! Last time I only had 5!